Virtual Object
Virtual Objects comes into picture if QTP is unable to recognize an object and
we often see errors as Object not found. This is because even though you have
recorded the actions during playback time QTP is unable to recognize an object
and because of which the script fails.
Virtual object enable you to create and run tests on objects that
are not normally recognized by QuickTest. Your application may contain objects that behave like standard
objects but are not recognized by QuickTest. You can define these objects as
virtual objects and map them to standard classes, such as a button or a check
box. QuickTest emulates the user's action on the virtual object during the run
session. In the test results, the virtual object is displayed as though it is a
standard class object.
You define a virtual object using the Virtual Object Wizard (Tools > Virtual Objects > New Virtual Object). The wizard prompts you to select the standard object class to which you want to map the virtual object. You then mark the boundaries of the virtual object using a cross-hairs pointer. Next, you select a test object as the parent of the virtual object. Finally, you specify a name and a collection for the virtual object. A virtual object collection is a group of virtual objects that is stored in the Virtual Object Manager under a descriptive name.
Virtual Objects in
QTP are created to resolve the object recognition problems in QTP. When an
area of an application is not recognized by QTP we use the Virtual Object
Wizard to map the area to a standard Class. These virtual objects are
generally used to resolve the object recognition problems. All the Virtual
Objects created are stored in the Virtual Object Manager. After we have
learned an object as a Virtual Object we can record on that object
successfully. You can create a Virtual Object by navigating to Tools,
Virtual Objects, and New Virtual Object.
What is Virtual Object Collection?
What is Virtual Object Collection?
A virtual object collection is a group of virtual objects
that is stored in the Virtual Object Manager under a descriptive name.
How to disable
virtual Objects while recording?
In order to disable the Virtual
Objects Navigate
Go to Tools-->Options--> General
Tab--> Disable Recognition of virtual objects while recording
Check and uncheck this option to
disable or enable virtual objects while recording.
Storage location of Virtual
If you create any virtual objects automatically those objects will
be stored in
“QuickTest installation folder\
dat \ VoTemplate”
Extension of virtual objects file
How to use virtual
objects on different machines?
After creation of virtual
objects copy QuickTest installation folder\ dat \ VoTemplate Folder
to other machines on which you want to use virtual objects.
Limitations and drawbacks of
Virtual Objects
1. QuickTest does not support virtual
objects for analog or low-level recording.
2. Not possible to apply a checkpoint on
a virtual object
3. Not possible to add virtual objects
using Object Repository
4. Virtual Objects doesn’t support all objects and methods.
5. We cannot use object spy on a Virtual Object.
4. Virtual Objects doesn’t support all objects and methods.
5. We cannot use object spy on a Virtual Object.
6. We can only record on Virtual Objects.
7. Scroll Bars and Labels cannot be
treated as Virtual Objects.
8. May not run perfectly on different
screen resolutions if a test using Virtual Objects.
9. Virtual object uses the properties
Name, Height, Width, X, Y which the properties are having maximum possibilities
for frequent change.
10. During a run session, make sure that
the application window is the same size and in the same location as it was
during recording, otherwise the coordinates of the virtual object relative to
its parent object may be different, and this may affect the success of the run
11. You can use virtual objects only when
recording and running a test. You cannot insert any type of checkpoint on a
virtual object, or use the Object Spy to view its properties.
12. To perform an operation in the Active
Screen on a marked virtual object, you must first record it, so that its
properties are saved in the test object description in the object repository.
If you perform an operation in the Active Screen on a virtual object that has
not yet been recorded, QuickTest treats it as a standard object.
When Object recognition Problem
occurs in QTP during playback on the Application Under test there are ways to
handle this Object Recognition Problem. It depends solely on the user as to
what they want to use.
The different ways to handle Object Recognition Problem are:
1. By Creating Virtual Objects.
2. Using Low Level Recording.
3. Using Analog Recording.
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