Saturday, 24 August 2013

QTP Certification Dumps- Part2

1.      The key that is used to Start/End analog Recording mode ?
1. F3
4. F10
2.      .QuickTest supports virtual object for anolog or low-level recording.
1. False
2. True
3.       To use a specific property to identify your object, but that property is not listed in the properties list. Then how do you identify that object?
1. Add the specific property to the list
2. Use the Default property
3. Use some other property to identify your object
4.      . The CHECKPOINT used to check the alt attribute exists for all relevant Objects (such as images) is
1. DataBase CheckPoint
2. Accessibility checkpoint
3. Bitmap checkpoint
4. STANDARD checkpoint

5.       Bitmap checkpoint is supported in VB environment.
1. True
2. False
6.       What is the shortcut key that is used for a Standard Checkpoint?
1. F12
2. F2
3. F10
4. F7

7.      Can we change name of checkpoint?
1. No
2. Yes

8.       To compares the values of the specified property during a run session with the values stored for the same test object property within the test.
1. Checkpoint
2. All the above
3. Output Value
4. Compare the object property
9.       The statement that calls the recorded analog file is
1. RunAnalog
2. CallAnalog
3. ExecuteAnalog

10.   You can replace the page in your Active Screen tab
1. False
2. True

11.   QuickTest adds a checkpoint statement in the Expert View as
1. Check Checkpoint
2. Checkpoint
12.  A Checkpoint checks that a text string is displayed within a defined area in a Windows application is
1. Accessibility
2. Text Area
3. Standard
4. Text
13.   In ActiveX environment an “Accessibility checkpoint” is supported.
1. No
2. Yes

14.  The Command used to insert the transactions in test is,
1. StartTransaction(“Name”), EndTransaction(“Name”)
2. Services.StartTransaction “Name”, Services.EndTransaction “Name”
3. “Name”, “Name”

15.   A step in which one or more values are captured at a specific point in your test and stored for the duration of the run session is
1. Output Value
2. Checkpoints
3. Active Screen
16.   QuickTest can detects an Application crash and activate a defined recovery scenario to continue the run session.
1. True
2. false
17.   In Batch Test process, the test list are saved in file format as,
1. *.mtb
2. *.mts
3. *.mbt
4. *.mtr
18.  The command used to retrieve data from excel sheet is
1. Set ab = Connection(“srcfilepath “) , Set ws = ab.getdata(sheetid)
2. Set ab = CreateObject(“srcfilepath “) , Set ws = ab.getsheet(sheetid)
3. Set ab = GetObject(“srcfilepath”) , Set ws = ab.worksheets(sheetid)

19.   The method that explicitly activates the recovery scenario mechanism is,
1. recovery.activate
2. enable
3. recovery.enable
4. activate

20.  To terminate an application that is not responding we use,
1. SystemUtil.terminate
2. SystemUtil.Stop
3. SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName

21.  The recovery mechanism does not handle triggers that occur in the last step of a test
1. false
2. True

22.   The method that adds to the test while implementing Synchronization is
1. Synchronize
2. Wait
3. WaitProperty
4. Pause

23.   The mechanism used to identify objects during run session is
1. Recovery scenario
2. Smart identification
3. Handling object

24.  Post-recovery test run Options specifies
1. how to continue the run session after QTP identify the event
2. errors while Running
3. recovery scenario during a run session
25.   The method used to compare 2 XML files is:
2. XMLcompare(file1,file2)
3. compare(XMLfile1,XMLfile2)

26.  The method used to register the user-defined function with test object is
1. setFunc()
2. RegisterUserFunc()
3. RegisterFunc()
27.  The method used to open the specified URL in a browser is
1. openURL()
2. navigateURL()
3. navigate()
28.  The 3 Parameter types available in data Driver is
1. DataTable,Environment,Random number
2. DataTable,random number,unique
3. environment,string,numeric
29.   The method added to the test while Parameterizing is
1. get Data (variable, dtGlobalSheet)
2. get DataTable(variable, dtGlobalSheet)
3. Set Data(variable, dtGlobalSheet)
4. Set DataTable(variable, dtGlobalSheet)

30.  The length of the array can be get by the method
1. length(array)
2. ubound(array)
3. count(array)
31.   In data base check point we can not set the expected value from the test?
1. True
2. False
32.  ………….. are the highest level of the test hierarchy in the Keyword view.
A) Tests
B) Steps
C) Call to Actions
D) Actions
Ans: D
33.  You can print the contents of the Keyword View to your Windows default printer (and even preview the contents prior to printing).
A) True
B) False
Ans: A
34.  In the step Browser > Page > Edit > Set “Sachin”, identify container object(s)
A) Browser
B) Edit
C) Page
D) Both Browser & Page
Ans: D
35.  The Documentation cell is………….
A) Read-only
B) Write-only
C) Read and Write
D) Read write & execute
Ans: A
36.  An Item column can be any of the following:
A) A test object
B) A statement like Dim
C) A step generated by step generator
D) All of above
Ans: D
37.  In addition to adding standard statement steps to your test using the Keyword View, you can also insert
A) Checkpoint step
B) Output value step
C) Comment step
D) All of above
Ans: D
38.  Press ….. to add a new step below the currently selected step.
A) F8
B) Shift + A
C) F0
D) Shift + A + Q
Ans: A
39.  You can specify the order in which the columns are displayed in the Keyword view.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A
40.  If a child object is added to a local object repository, and its parents are in a shared object repository, then you have to manually drag and drop its parent objects from shared object repository to local object repository.
A) True
B) False
Ans: B
41.  For tests, you can also view test object properties and property values for objects in the Active Screen, regardless of whether the objects are stored in the object repository.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A
42.  An …….. assigns a numerical value to a test object that indicates its order or location relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description (objects that have the same values for all properties)
A) Index identifier.
B) ordinal identifier.
C) SMART ID identifier.
D) original identifier.
Ans: B
43.  You can modify an object stored in a shared object repository.
A) using the Object Repository Manager
B) using the Object Repository window
C) you can copy it to the local object repository and then modify its properties
D) you cannot modify properties of objects stored in Shared object repository
Ans: AC
44.  At the time of copying, pasting and moving objects, you cannot move an object to any of its descendants.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A
45.  You can use the Find and Replace dialog box to replace property or object names.
A) True
B) False
Ans: B
46.  In the Associated Repositories tab of the Action Properties dialog box, the ……object repository is always listed first and cannot be moved down the priority list or deleted.
A) local
B) shared
C) Both
D) None
Ans: A
47.  If your object repositories are stored in the file system and you want other users or Mercury products to be able to run this action on other computers, you should set the file path as a
A) Absolute path
B) relative path
C) both
D) None of above
Ans: B
48.  By default, new actions are
A) Short
B) External
C) reusable
D) non-reusable
Ans: D
49.  The …… enables you to view either the entire test flow (the calls to the actions in the test) or you can view the steps for a selected reusable or external action.
A) Action Flow
B) Action file
C) Action List
D) Action Repository
Ans: C
50.  You cannot expand …… actions from the test flow view.
A) reusable
B) non-reusable
C) both A & B
D) None
Ans: A
51.  Sometimes you may want to call an action from within an action. This is called …….
A) Reusability
B) Nesting
C) Sharing
D) None
Ans: B
52.  When you remove an external action, you remove all calls and the action from the action list. The original action is also affected.
A) True
B) False
Ans: B
53.  If you want to include one or more statements in every new action in your test, you can create an ….
A) reusable action
B) split action
C) Function
D) action template
Ans: D
54.  With QuickTest Professional 9.0, a maximum of ………. Actions can be placed into a script
A) 110
B) 256
C) 120
D) 512
Ans: C
55.  Only the file name …… is recognized as an action template
A) ActionTemplate.mst
B) Action_Template.mst
C) Action-Template.mst
D) ActionTemplates.mst
Ans: A
56.  You can also press …… to open the Rename Action dialog box
A) Shift + F2
B) Shift + F3
C) Shift + F4
D) Shift + F5
Ans: A
57.  You can import and export object repositories from and to …. files.
Ans: A
58.  After creating or editing an object repository XML file, it is recommended to use the QuickTest ……….functionality to verify that your file conforms to the QuickTest object repository schema.
A) Schema Verification
B) Schema Validation
C) XML Validation
D) XML Verification
Ans: B
59.  To display the Comment in the Object Repository dialog box, you must use the attribute name ………
A) miccommentproperty
B) commentproperty
C) mic_comment_property
D) None of above
Ans: A
60.  You can use the objects and methods of the QuickTest ……………….. to write scripts that automatically manipulate object repositories, instead of performing these operations manually using the Object Repository Manager.
A) Automation object model
B) Object Repository automation object model
C) Object Repository model
D) Object Repository Script Object model
Ans: B
61.  The new Object Repository Comparison Tool is accessible from the Object Repository Manager. You can use this tool to identify the differences between objects in ……..
A) two specified shared object repository files.
B) a Shared and a Local object repository files.
C) either Shared or Local object repository files.
D) two specified Local object repository files.
Ans: A
62.  You must convert object repository files from QuickTest Professional 8.2.1 or earlier to the current format before you can use them in QuickTest Professional 9.0 or later. Which method lets you do so.
A) Conversion method
B) Converge method
C) Convert method
D) None
Ans: C
63.  An object repository that is currently open by another user is locked, is it possible to merge a locked object repository.
A) Yes
B) No
Ans: A
64.  . If you want to modify an object stored in a shared object repository, you can modify it…….
A) using the Object Repository Manager
B) you can modify it locally using the Object Repository window.
C) Both A & B
D) None of above
Ans: C
65.  ……………. Returns an ObjectRepositories collection representing all object repository files associated with the action.
A) Object Property
B) Automation Object Model
C) ObjectRepositories Property
D) OR Property
Ans: C
66.  Where do we Specify the Maximum Time to Wait for a Web Page to Load
A) File->Settings, Web Tab.
B) Tools->Options, Web Tab.
C) Resources->Settings, Web Tab
D) None of above
Ans: A
67.  You can insert …….. statements that instruct QuickTest to wait until an object exists
A) Exist
B) Wait
C) Both A & B
D) None
Ans: C
68.  …..Property- The period of time QuickTest waits before checking the emulator status (in milliseconds).
A) SyncTime
B) Sync.Time
C) TimeSync
D) Time.Sync
Ans: A
69.  ……. Property- Indicates whether QuickTest beeps after performing each Sync function during a run session.
A) BeepAfterSync
B) BeepOnSync
C) BeepSync
D) Beep.Sync
Ans: B
70.  …… Statement – Initiates a pause during a run session.
A) WaitProperty
B) Wait
C) Sync
D) Exit
Ans: B
71.  ……….. Property – is the maximum time (in milliseconds) that QuickTest waits for a Web page to load before running a step.
A) BrowserTimeout
B) Browser_Navigation_Timeout
C) BrowserNavigationTimeout
D) Browser_Timeout
Ans: C
72.  You create an image checkpoint by inserting a …….. on an image object.
A) Image checkpoint
B) standard checkpoint
C) Bitmap checkpoint
D) Accessibility checkpoint
Ans: B
73.  ……… are also supported for some list view objects, such as WinListView and VbListView, as well as other list view objects in external add-in environments.
A) Table checkpoints
B) standard checkpoints
C) Accessibility checkpoints
D) XML checkpoints
Ans: A
74.  …….. Specifies the time interval (in seconds) during which QuickTest attempts to perform the checkpoint successfully.
A) Check timeout
B) Checkpoint interval timeout
C) Checkpoint timeout
D) Quicktest timeout
Ans: C
75.  ……….. Specifies when to perform the checkpoint in the test.
A) Insert statement.
B) Check statement.
C) timeout statement.
D) checkpoint statement.
Ans: A

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